Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Day 33

Monday, 11/28/11:       10 miles  2,110 total

I went to the Chamber of Commerce to pick up my Kindle and meds, but because of Thanksgiving, the meds didn't get delivered until after 3 PM.  It worked out fine, as I was able to do an interview with the Hobbs News-Sun, while I waited.  I walked, and thumbed, my way east, out of town, where I was picked up be an old hippie who took me to the state line.  I tried to get a ride until after dark, then ended up crashing under the canopy of an abandoned gas station.  The wind made it kind of rough all night.  I am out of Hobbs and in Texas!!!!!  I wonder what Texas has in store for me.  Everyone tells me there's a storm a comin’...

This picture was actually taken Tuesday morning, but you will have to take my word for it that it says "Welcome to Texas."  It was too early in the morning to see the sign very well.  The sunrise is cooler than the sign anyway.

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautiful sunrise Dave!! When I click on the photo, I can see the "Welcome to Texas" on the sign, too.

    I hope you stay warm and dry in that storm that's coming your way.


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