Saturday, November 26, 2011

Day 31

Saturday 11/26/11:   zero miles
I have a four day layover in Hobbs, NM.  Monday, at Hobbs Chamber of Commerce, I am picking up medications my son sent me and a replacement Kindle, as I broke mine.  Then, after a newspaper interview, I'm headed for Seminole, TX.  The winds are really blowing hard here today.  What makes it difficult is the dust factor, as visibility is less than a 1/2 mile, and it is hard to breathe when you walk against it.  I don't know if the picture shows how dusty it is.  That makes for tough conditions for people who have to work outdoors in this very barren country.  The best thing about today is that I was able to send $100 each to Make Way Partners, Harvesters, and Cookston Hills Children's Home.  What these groups do to help kids in need is amazing, and their dedication and sacrifice blows me away.  This was made possible by donations from people like Tarrin, Ryan, Pidd, Lura, Pat, Tom, Shirley, Jim, a Navajo lady, and some Native American kids.  We have not yet had enough book sales to send any from that fund.  I pray that you are all doing well.  Thanks for reading this.  Dave

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Dave for the donation! We know that our orphans in South Sudan will appreciate the effort that you are making on your walks.

    We have families that walk 6 miles one direction to come to church on Sundays. We look forward to reading more of your adventures.
    Harvesters -


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