Monday, April 15, 2013

That Ain't No Bull

This a small herd of Mundari tribe cattle that we drove through in the bush about 25 miles from Terekeka.  These massive horns belong to a mama.  The bulls horns are even bigger.  The cattle are amazing, but what is really interesting is the Mundari Tribe.  I hope to share more with you about them.  One of the problems though, is that I didn't get near as many pictures as I had hope because it is a problem with a lot of these remote tribes when it comes to taking their pictures.  So unless I have the opportunity to ask for permission, I have to pass on some really cool photo opportunities.
Well the reason there is a picture with this blog is because I am back at the Yei orphanage.  It took 10 hours to get here from 150 miles away, but we made it.  I never though traveling such as short distance could be so interesting and so physically demanding at the same time.  Wow... what a trip.  As interesting as it was I hope I don't have to go through that again for awhile.
I hope and pray that you are all doing well.
Blessing from Yei, South Sudan

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