Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 69

01/04/12  Day 69 zero miles 2,855 Total
Well I am still with my adopted family.  I was pretty sure I would be in Louisiana by now.  Many wonderful things have happened since I have been here and I will always remember all of these people and this country.  Got to spend Christmas with two very special families and New Years eve at a church in Abilene.  This family has this wonderful little ranch with a ton of need fixing things to do.  Built a tack room for them and now I am working on a dock for their little fishing pond. This has been such a fantastic respite for me.  I have enjoyed being here a great deal.  Going to miss all of these people.  Because of the generosity of the church I spoke at I am able to send off another $300 to the kids. I don't know how much weight I had loss before I got here, but I am real sure I have gained it all back.  I have been so spoiled by being with these people.  Will have to toughen up when I get back on the road.  Happy New Year everyone.

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