Friday, December 2, 2011

Day 35

Wednesday, 11/30/11:             41 miles 2,716 total

I walked a few miles east from Mary and Josh's place, and Peter, a Mennonite cotton and peanut farmer, picked me up.  I really liked Peter and we had a very nice conversation about his church, farm, and family.  He took me all the way to Lemesa, which ended up being 24 miles out of his way.  I unloaded my gear and we said our goodbyes.  He turned around and pulled up next to me and said he wanted me to take some money.  I told him any money I get goes to kids and he was fine with that.  He gave me enough to feed, cloth, and educate a little guy for two whole months.  I stood there for several minutes after he pulled away, as it blew me away.   I called the local paper and told the lady, who answered the phone, what I was doing.  In less than 15 minutes, a very nice lady by the name of Regina from the Lamesa Press Reporter, met me where I was at and did an interview.  As she was finishing up the interview, another lady pulled up.  I thought she was a friend of Regina's, but apparently she saw the sign on my little cart and wanted to know if she could donate some money.  She gave me $10 and drove away.  In less than thirty minutes God blessed me with these three people and their generosity.  I walked for several miles out of Lemesa without getting a ride, so I set up my tent behind a tree.  Being able to set up the tent was nice because of the wind.  Awesome day!!!!

This picture is of my cart, on the road between Seminole and Lamesa, TX.

1 comment:

  1. Dave, looks as if you are making head way on the trip. You know I am watching every move you make. The pictures are a big addition to the blogs. Let me know about the interviews and the names of the papers


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