Tuesday, March 5, 2013


I finally got a picture to download.  Been having a lot of techy problems since I got here Saturday.   I am meeting with someone after dinner tonight to see if we figure out how to put some video up.  There are so many interesting people and things going on, I would love for you see it on video.  Anyway this is a picture of the plane we took from Entebbe, Uganda to Arua, Uganda and then to Yei, South Sudan.  The last two airports had dirt runways and I had this wonderful since of being like Indiana Jones as we slide down these runways.  It was so cool (actually it was very hot) the pilot had his arm out his window as we are getting ready to take off.   Hopefully, I will be posting soon..

1 comment:

  1. It looks about the size of the ones that fly into North Bend! That's small! Now, dirt runways, is a whole other thing! God Bless you Dave!


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