Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Old but reliable....

I am writing these blogs thinking that there might be someone out there that reads them for what ever reason.  I tell myself that it is practice for when I am on the road.  However, I have this uneasy feeling that I am talking to myself and no one is out there in whatever space these words float into.  If there is someone out there, please drop me a comment to help perserve my sainity....   This afternoon I pick up a very used Buick for a very reasonable price that I hope will last me for a few months.  It is old, but I am pretty sure it will be reliable.  Dave


  1. Hi Dave, how's it going? Happy Birthday!! :)

    Marilou Smith

  2. Hi Dave, This is Laura from Chevron. Rest assured I will be following your movements as you start on this wonderful journey! I think what you are doing is amazing and, in many ways, has given me a renewed sense of faith. I wish you all the best!


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