I talked to an old friend yesterday and she chewed me out for not keeping up on my blog. So, here is an update on the walking4kids journey. I have spent the last few months in Kansas and Texas doing a little speaking, working for a small cattle outfit and doing some writing. But most of the time I was hanging out with some really nice and fun people.
First pic is of my very best bud, Noah, and a house guest by the name of Enoch. Enoch is from Guienna and I really enjoyed getting to know him. Secound is of Sam and Malinda from Dublin, Texas. Malinda is like a daughter to me. Second is of the famous Allen Arena in Lawarnce, Kansas. A very dear friend (Connie) and her family took me to my first ever college bb game. The last pic is of a very dear lady by the Verna who came to the last place I got to speak at. She is 99 years old and along with all of the other ladies there, she was very kind and a real kick to be around.
Please pray for me while I am in Africa and I hope to hear from those of you who take the time to read this.
Two days from now I will be getting on a plane and headed for the Southern Sudan. Will be there two months working with an orphanage. I am really excited about going there and hopefully will be able to blog from there.